{{ index }} {{ order.id }} {{ order.dolibarId }} {% set total = 0 %} {% for item in order.data %} {% set total = total + (item.price * item.qty) %} {% endfor %} {% if order.voucher is not null and order.voucher.application == constant('App\\Entity\\Power\\Voucher::APPLICATION_TYPE_PRODUCT') %} {% if order.voucher.discountType == constant('App\\Entity\\Power\\Voucher::DISCOUNT_TYPE_FIX') %} {% set total = total - order.voucher.discountValue %} {% elseif order.voucher.discountType == constant('App\\Entity\\Power\\Voucher::DISCOUNT_TYPE_PERCENT') %} {% set total = total - (total * (order.voucher.discountValue/100)) %} {% endif %} {% set total = (total < 0) ? 0 : total %} {% endif %} {{ total }} {{ order.shippingPrice }} {{ order.createdAt|date("d/m/Y") }} {{ order.canal.name is defined ? order.canal.name :'' }} View {% if (is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') or is_granted('ROLE_BATCH_MANAGER') ) and (batch.status == 1 or batch.status == 2) %} {% endif %} {% if order.shipper.type == 'first' and order.urlFirstPdf is not null %} Print    {% endif %}